The exposure triangle is the relationship between aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. These three settings work together to determine the exposure of a photo. Adjusting one setting will affect the other two settings and the exposure of the photo. Understanding the exposure triangle is important in order to choose the correct exposure for your photos.
What is aperture
Aperture is the opening in a camera lens that allows light to pass through to the sensor. It is measured in f-stops and affects the depth of field of the photo. A smaller aperture (larger f-stop) results in a larger depth of field, while a larger aperture (smaller f-stop) results in a smaller depth of field.
What is shutter speed
Shutter speed is the amount of time the camera’s shutter is open and allows light to hit the sensor. It is measured in seconds or fractions of a second. A longer shutter speed lets in more light and can cause motion blur. A shorter shutter speed lets in less light and can help reduce motion blur.
What is ISO
ISO is a setting on your camera that determines how sensitive the sensor is to light. If you need more light, you can increase the ISO value. But this can also cause noise in your photo. That’s why it’s important to keep the ISO value as low as possible, unless it’s really necessary to raise it.
If you increase the ISO value, you can use a shorter shutter speed or a smaller aperture and still get a well-exposed photo. If you decrease the ISO value, this may mean that you need to use a longer shutter speed or a larger aperture to get the same exposure.
Understanding the exposure triangle is important in order to choose the correct exposure for your photos. By knowing how aperture, shutter speed, and ISO work together, you can determine and adjust the desired exposure for your photos. This is crucial for taking good pictures in different situations and creating the desired atmosphere and mood in your photos.