Just like almost everyone, I always have my phone with me when I take photos and make notes and outlines for blog articles. The only thing that always bothers me is that when you grab your phone, you are immediately connected to the world, messages on WhatsApp and social media start flowing in, which quickly distracts you from the moment.
Notebook or iPad
I have also tried making notes in a notebook, but for some mysterious reason, the pen always stops working when I’m writing, which ultimately creates a mess.
So, as an experiment, I decided to take my iPad with me to make notes on it. On my iPad, I only have the necessary applications installed, and it is not connected to the internet.
So, I was sitting on a bench in the Speuldersbos, enjoying all the sounds of nature around me, I grabbed my iPad and made quite a few notes in Microsoft OneNote. The large screen and the ability to make notes with a pen. When I got home, I connected the iPad to the internet, which synchronized all my notes with the Microsoft cloud environment, making them available on all my devices.
I am very positive about the result, and I definitely plan to take the iPad with me more often. Now I’m curious, what do you bring with you when you’re out taking photos?